Wednesday 9 November 2011

Screen shots

Classification Rating For Are Children's Film

When watching through the film again and then looking at the BBFC website we have concluded that the rating for are film would be a PG we came to this conclusion because we use moderate violence, we had no dangerous behavior that could be imitated by a viewer and cause injury to them self, they was no sexual content in the opening scene, No bad language has been used in the opening scene. This is why i would classify this film as an PG. 

comparing conventions of a children's film and ours

The classic children's film conventions we have stuck to are; having a child protagonist, making the child succeed things that are generally unachievable by a child and involving light violence which is a large attraction for children.

Our film opening sticks to the conventions of Home Alone (a professional children's film) as it has the normal credits at the beginning and is set around a child's view of things (Kevin's view of Christmas day). Another similarity is the independence of the protagonist but them still being portrayed as a child (Kevin putting in a smart complaint about his uncle yet still being told off for going on his mum's bed and Max who is running around the woods as an agent then being told to come in by his mum). The Protagonists are shown as independent as children like to relate to the main character but not if the child is immature and strongly portrayed as "just a kid". 

What Age Range We Aimed For (PG)

When Planning the film we were aiming for the rating PG because we hoped this film would interest children aged 10 and 11 because this is the age range normally attracted to films with include action and adventure. We used a gun during the opening scene briefly to show the action that will during the film but didn't want to get in to the film to much or show the gun to much we purposely used a gun and not any sharp object that young children could replicate and use on something on someone. We have shown a little bit of violence in the chase scene but we wouldn't to use to much violence throughout the film.

Protagonist comparison

The Protagonist in our children's film is Max "The boy whose imagination is portrayed". We will be comparing Max with Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) from Home Alone. Kevin is a similar age to what we wish to portray Max as and he has a large imagination in his traps. Kevin's traps use light violence which is similar to Max's imagination as he has a gun and violence is suggested in his imagination.

Children can learn that Max is very imaginative from this opening scene which is something our target audience can relate to. Our children's film opening can teach kids to embrace their imagination and to be the good guy (which Max is in his imagination).  

Monday 7 November 2011

Final edit of our children's film

This is out final edit of our children's film. We are happy about how the editing and framing of our movie. We are also happy with the music we made and felt it fit well. We liked our idea and we were well planned on what to film when and where but that plan was ruined due to absence.

We are disappointed about the length of the film so a lot of credits was needed to add a bit of time to our movie. The reason our film was shorter than desired was due to absence of key actors which could not be filmed as much as we originally intended. The fact our film was short made it hard to make the film flow and to show the story line clearly. 

Thursday 13 October 2011

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